Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014

New Update, Unity 3D 4.5 and more.

Sry got not that much time to update the blog. Game is still in work.
Unity release an new update and i got finally a new pc.

200 Scenes are still plan and ladders and rope. Right now i have alot of work with other projects too and still waiting for an plugin update to add everything.

I hope they improve Unity2D more since its pretty easy to use and better supported.

Take care, have a great week more updates coming soon.

Montag, 19. Mai 2014

New Plugin and more..

Since i chanced to Unity2D and a new plugin for Platformers. The progress increased.
I also worked on 2D Collecting Script and overall improvements.

I also will show soon more Animations and Ideas etc...

Take care...

Sonntag, 4. Mai 2014

Second Scene and more

I bought the 2D platform controller a while ago and wanted to use it for the game.

i tried first to use it with Unity2D Colliders but ladders and rope are not good supported yet
with the 2D Collider. Then i switch to 2D toolkit and learn from the sample.

Creating a scene takes alot more time that i thought and i will in future.
Planned right now are around 200 scenes.

Have a nice week. I release more infos about the game soon!

Take care!

Sonntag, 27. April 2014

First Scene

Working on the first Scene was easy so far. I have some troubles with the ladder and miss an animation

Maincontrols are working and i will soon add the scene fading etc.

If i really want to make 200 scenes that can be alot of work and tweaking takes more time that i excepted.

Donnerstag, 24. April 2014

New project started!

Just began working on a new idea that i had for more than a year.
To remake parts of the old Pitfall game and bring the some old gameplay elements back.

Got today some of animations works hopefully i can show soon more;)

Take care!